Saturday, February 08 2025   

bussiness fields

BPR Supra Artapersada
Banking & Finance

Established in 1993, BPR Supra Artapersada give short, medium and long term credits to some small and medium regional bussines people in small towns. With an asset of over 10 billion rupiah, BPR Supra Artapersada has been warmlly welcome by the public since its main objective is to support the government's program of helping small industries and regional economic development.


To become a professional, firm, and trusted BPR, with always concerning our customer most


  1. Establishing an excellent BPR activity that prioritize service for micro, small, and medium company to inrease the support for common people
  2. Grant an excellent service for customer
  3. Giving optimal profit and great beneficity for stockholders, employee, customer and government

This is BPR Supra's Main and Branch Office location:

No BPR Supra Office Address Telephone Fax
1 Main Operational Office Jl. Raya Cisaat 124 Cisaat Sukabumi (0266) 223388 (0266)226288
2 Bandung Jl. Kesatriaan 1 Bandung 40172 (022) 6120399 (022)6120433
3 Ciranjang Jl. Raya Ciranjang No.94 Cianjur 43282 (0263) 260811 (0263)322505
4 Cibadak Jl. Raya Suryakencana No.121B Cibadak, Sukabumi 43152 (0266) 535222 (0266)226288
5 Bogor Jl. Pajajaran .No 96 P-Q Bogor, 16153 (0251) 8321678 (0251)8380633
6 Sukabumi Branch Office Jl. Pelabuhan II No.150 Sukabumi (0266) 213388, 213330 (0266)213838
7 Cianjur Branch Office Jl HOS Cokroaminoto No.103 Cianjur 43211 (0263) 260811 (0263)282000
8 Cicurug Cash Outlet Jl. Siliwangi No.78 Cicurug Sukabumi (0266) 731999 (0266)731999
9 Cipanas Cash Outlet Jl. Rayas Cipanas No. 39 Cipendawa-Cianjur (0263) 519977 (0263)516698
10 Ciwangi Special Cash Outlet Jl. Ciwangi No.19 Sukabumi (0266) 223229  

For another next year, BPR Supra will open more branch office in some other town located in West Java.

BPR cabang Sukabumi BPR Cabang Bandung BPR Cabang Cianjur BPR Cabang Cicurug
BPR Cabang Cipanas BPR Cabang Ciranjang Kantor Pusat Cisaat BPR Kas Cibadak
BPR Kas Ciwangi BPR Supra Bogor


Gajah Mada Tower 4th Jl. Gajah Mada No. 19-26 Jakarta 10130
Phone : (62-21) 6345005 Fax : (62-21) 6345358
 Copyright © 1982 - 2009 | by Cairon supra